Should Britney Spears Sign a Prenup?

Britney Spears’s engagement to Sam Asghari has her concerned fans urging her to “sign a prenup” — and her future husband has responded.

What are Digital Assets in an Estate?

Today, so many aspects of our lives are managed virtually. We keep currency, photos, music, documents, bills, medical records, artwork and even our social lives online or ‘in the cloud.’

What are the Key Documents in Estate Planning?

It can be easy to overlook, but an estate plan is essential for nearly everyone, whether you have a lot of money or just a little. An estate plan tells your heirs and the courts how to divide up your assets. However, it also helps protect your loved ones from unnecessary hassle and expense – as well as potentially months, even years, tied up in the court system settling your estate.

How to Protect an Estate from a Rotten Son-in-Law

Whatever the reason, whether your life is a bed of roses or a getting-worse-nightmare, there are things you can do now to insure what you leave will go to who you want. And when. And in what portion or portions.